Strangest World Cup tales 1954 The rulers take a shower, morning and evening

Strangest World Cup tales

Referees of one of the World Cup matches

In the 1954 World Cup in Switzerland, the International Football Association prepared several days before the opening of the tournament, a list of directives that he had given to all referees who invited them to participate in the tournament.


 Showering in cold water in the morning before anything when waking up and repeating the issue before bed.

 Doing a rope jumping exercise for a quarter of an hour a day.

 Refraining from consuming any alcoholic drink, whatever its type, on the day he will run a match referee, whether it is a referee of the yard or an assistant on the line.

 Doing a jogging exercise for two thousand meters a day, provided that it is at the following pace: a day of exercise and a day of rest, with a shower in cold water immediately after the end of the training.

 Lying down early to sleep on the eve of the referee's match.

 In the event that the arbiter dies while playing a match, that match will be canceled immediately.

 Some of these teachings are funny and others are greatly exaggerated, but the most important thing, and fortunately, is that any of the rulers did not have to adhere to the sixth rule, how would he beeping the final whistle at that time?


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