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Basketball is known as a collective game in which two teams compete, each of which consists of five players, so that each team aims to score more points by entering the ball in the basket of the opposing team, and that game depends on the principle of dealing with the ball using hands only,  This includes bouncing, throwing and passing the ball from one player to another, and it is worth noting that basketball sports originate in America, where James Naismith invented it on the first of December of 1891 AD. [1] [2]

Basketball equipment 

The stadium

 The basketball stadium contains many different parts, including the following: [3]

The playing field

It is that part where the match is played, as it must fulfill many conditions in order to be fit for play, such as that it has a solid ground, and does not contain any obstacles, and the area of ​​the basketball court and its dimensions are fifteen meters in width and twenty-eight meters  Length, provided that this area is measured from the internal boundary of the playing field line, according to basketball laws.

Back Area

The back area or wing line includes the part that contains the team's basket, in addition to the part that includes the inner limit of the basket board, and this part is defined by four lines surrounding it, namely: the finish line behind the team's basket, and the side lines of the playing field,  The center line is in the middle of the playing field

Front area

The front area is defined as the part that contains the opponent's basket, in addition to the internal boundary area of ​​the opponent team's basketball, and this region is bounded by the finish line,


The basketball court contains many lines (in English: Lines), each of which is five centimeters wide, and they are all required to be clearly drawn in the same color clearly and clearly visible, and these lines are divided into different types, they are: Border lines: define lines  The boundaries are the lines that surround the playing field, which include the ending lines, the two side lines, and it is worth noting that the boundary lines are not considered part of the playing field space.  Center line: This is the line in the middle of the playing field, drawn parallel to the end lines of the playing field, and perpendicular to the middle of the two side lines.  Center circle: the circle in the middle of the playing field with a diameter of 3.6 meters.  Free-throw semi-circle. This circle is drawn with a diameter of 3.6 meters, with its center on the two free-throw points.  Free-throw lines: This line is drawn parallel to the finish line, so that its outer edge is 5.8 meters from the inner border of the finish line, and with a length of 3.6 meters, knowing that the middle point is located on the imaginary line connecting between  Midline finish

Forbidden zone

It is the area that is drawn as a rectangle, and it is 2.45 meters away from the finish line, and all the lines that border the free zone are considered a part of it except the part that represents the finish line.

Throwing area

 the area that represents the entire playing field except for the area near the basket of the opposing team.

Team seat area

It is the area designated for team seats, and it is stipulated that you move away from the border lines at a distance of no less than two meters as a minimum.

The stadium for people with disabilities

 People with disabilities can play basketball through wheelchair, and laws similar to the basketball game laws that healthy people play on a stadium consisting of the same parts of the normal stadium - which are mentioned in  Previous paragraph - within similar dimensions and areas. [4]

The ball 

The ball is one of the most important elements that make up the basketball game, which is characterized by its different types, weights and sizes depending on the different type of stadium and the nature of the players. For example, basketball courts that are located in closed places require a specific type of basketball, while another type can be acquired  If you want to play in places that are not closed to and not intended for this game, such as the street, and men play a ball of greater weight and size than that used by women or even children. [5] There are many materials that make the ball for the basketball game, Valk  Rat used in global and professional competitions are made of natural skin, and these only suitable balls to play within the sports halls for the game, on the other hand are regular basket balls manufacturing of rubber material a few quality, but the price will be affordable for everyone.  It should be noted that there is a type of basketball that represents a suitable and medium option between the previous two types, in addition to being of very good quality, and it is the type that is suitable for playing in the street, or inside closed halls, knowing that this type of balls is made from material  Artificial leather, it is worth noting that the Elite ball is considered one of the best balls recommended by specialists in the world of basketball. [5] Basketball is distinguished from other sports balls by its orange color, and it must be said here that this color was not associated with  For this ball since the appearance of the game; it was old brown  Dark, basketball bases and laws were changed in 1957 to turn the color of the ball into a full yellow or brownish-yellow color, but these laws did not last long, when Tony Hinkle, a basketball coach at the University of  Butler wanted to make the color of the ball more visible to players and the public, and his desire became a reality when the color of the ball was changed to its current color (orange) in 1958, specifically in the final of the League Championship (NCAA), but nowadays some sports industry companies have started  By producing unfamiliar basketballs, the spheres appeared  Wadda, and violet. [5]

Tools to be provided

There are many tools and equipment that must be available in a basketball game, including: [4] A protection board behind the basket net.  The basket mesh ring, which is characterized by its ability to pressure, with a network hanging from it.  Backdrops for the basket mesh.  A group of basketball balls.  An electronic screen in the stadium showing the time of the match.  An electronic scoreboard that shows the teams ’points, mistakes made, runs, and other details.  A special hour to determine the time required to pay the shot for each team.  Stopwatch, which is different from the hour during which the match time appears, as it shows the timing of interrupted times.  Score sheets (in English: Score game) for the game.  Badges for the number of errors committed by the player or team.  Badge for replacing primary players with spare players.  The floor of the stadium.  Adequate lighting, to provide adequate lighting in the stadium.

Basketball laws

How to calculate points and the duration of the match

Clear laws regarding the number of points that are calculated when a successful throw is paid over the network. The successful shot is counted one point if it is thrown with a free throw, and the passage of the ball through the network is calculated three points if it is paid from outside the arc of three points, and two points are counted when you pay  The throw is anywhere else on the field.  The duration of the basketball game consists of four quarters, each quarter of which is called a run, knowing that the duration of each quarter is ten minutes, and is separated between the first and second quarters two minutes, and the same period between the third and fourth, while the periods are separated by a break of fifteen minutes, and the duration of these periods and their number varies  Where the women's basketball game is divided into four periods, the time of each is ten minutes, while men in universities play the basketball match in two periods of three hours each, while in high schools, the basketball game is played during four periods of one of them  Eight minutes. [6] [3]

Time out 

Basketball timeout is defined as: Partial pausing of a match, up to a maximum of one minute, for one time deduction, and this is done at the request of the team management, whether through the first coach or the assistant coach, through a special signal that directs it.  To the registration table for the match, and the team management can cancel this request before the registration table officials respond to the signal about the time-out request, and the official of the registration table must give a reference to the match referee to alert him that there is a request for the time-out. [3]  By any team, y  As when the game stops, or the stopwatch stops counting, or after the referee ends his communication with the table for scoring points, this case is called the opportunity of the time-out, and there are other cases that constitute the opportunity of the time taken for both teams, such as the cessation of play after a successful free throw or one last error  It has been calculated, and the team can request a time-out in several cases, including: [3] If the opponent scores a point from a free throw.  If the last free throw was followed by an entry throw along the center line of the stadium.  If an error is calculated when performing a free throw, or free throws resulting from a previous error.  If an error is calculated before the return of the game, and after the last error of the previous error.  While performing a number of free throws resulting from more than one error.  Both teams can obtain two interrupted times during the first period of the match, and three additional times in the second period of play, while one interrupted time can be obtained in each additional period of play, and these times can be used only during the periods allotted to them, it is not possible to  Carry-out of deducted times to any other period, where the time-out period begins, and ends based on the referee's whistle and its indication of its start or end, and during the time-out, players are allowed to leave the stadium and sit on the seats of their teams. [3]

Free throws 

One of the two teams in basketball can earn one or more free throws for every mistake recorded by the opposing team, in the event that the opposing team exceeds the number of errors totaling seven in one period of the game, and in the event the team exceeds ten errors, the team  The opponent will get two free throws for every mistake committed against him. As for the level of players, the player who makes a deliberate and explicit error against him, he will get two free throws, and if the player wants to shoot the ball towards the net, and a player from the opposing team made a mistake against him at that moment  , He will get one throw in case  The success of his shot that he executed, and he will get two throws if the ball does not enter the net. [7] The player gets three free throws in the event of a violation at the time of the ball and near the three-point payment line, and in the event of the success of the shot executed by the player, he only gets  A free throw, and it should be noted that the opposing team players must not enter the area of ​​the free throw until the other team player throws the ball until it reaches the net loop, and the player who wants to implement the free throw must not keep the ball with him for more than ten seconds,  And to avoid touching the edge of the boresight line when implementing the  Mieh, and when any of these two mistakes during the implementation of a bilateral free throws, the first undershoot is considered obsolete, and the adoption of the second undershoot only. [7]

Errors and irregularities 

 Some errors or irregularities may occur in the basketball game during the course of the match, such as errors that occur when any friction or physical contact occurs illegally between players, such as: stampede, hitting, or even slapping, and the occurrence of these errors results in a gain  One, two, or even three free throws, and these throws are executed as indicated in the previous paragraph.  Another mistake that may be committed in basketball is the attacking or defending player’s personal mistake against other team players, in which case the ball is given to the opposing team. [8] The basketball game is not limited to personal errors resulting from frictions between the players of the two teams, but may  Many errors outside this framework occur, including that the player caused a violation if he walked a step and a half without bouncing and dribbling the ball, or when the player caused the ball to kick out of the field, or if the ball was caught or bounced with both hands at the same time,  Another violation is that  D also occurs: the player’s objection to the ball after it is paid and touched the back panel of the net, or intercepted while it is above the edge of the net, or the player retains it for more than five seconds without passing it to another player, and in some cases, the referee will resort to calculating a violation when two players from two teams  At the same time, in order to avoid violent interference between the players, then give it to one of the two teams alternately every time such a violation occurs, and it is worth noting that a violation may be calculated if the attack returns to the back line after passing through the middle of the field  And when humiliation occurs  The ball moves to the possession of the other team. [8]

Reasons for losing the match 

While clarifying other ways in which the team may lose the basketball match except 
for losing it due to scoring fewer points: [3]

Losing the match by withdrawing

 This is in the event that five players are not ready to play the match, after fifteen minutes after the start of the match time, or when the team performs any action that would prevent the start of the match, or in the event that the team presents the direct refusal to play after  If the first referee requests them to do so, and the loss - due to one of these reasons - results in winning for the opposing team by twenty points versus none, in addition to the losing team not obtaining any points in the league in which the match is played, where it will lose the points of the first two matches,  And back, and if the team withdraws twice in the same tournament,  He will be permanently disqualified from her competitions, and all results of his matches in the tournament will be canceled

Failure to lose the match

It is the loss that occurs to the team if the number of its players is less than two players on the field, and the loss in this way results in winning the opposing team, and the withdrawal team gets one point in the championship classification of this match.

The most important basketball strategies

Player versus player

A player-to-player defense strategy depends on observing each player’s defense against another of the opponents of the opposing team, and trying to remove any danger that the other team player may pose to  Al-Shabaka, and this strategy is characterized by continuous pressure on the opponent during all times of the match, but it requires defenders of a good level in the team. [9]

Zone Defense

Zone Defense strategy is one of the strategies used in defense in basketball, which is concerned with defending a specific area on the field, while preventing the opponent's access to it, and therefore it is a strategy that requires a change in defense positions, depending on  The location of the ball, and it is noteworthy that this type of defense is good in terms of stopping the opponent's penetrations, and preventing the individual progress of the opponent team, and it must be said that this method of defense may be useless if the other team progresses in the outcome of the match, as it is  Do not give players the escape  It has clear tasks on the field, and the team players may lose possession of the man-to-man defense skill, and despite these negatives that may appear in this strategy, they are considered effective in forcing the opponent to pay from outside the region, as it is suitable to hide the individual defects of the team players  , And it allows to control the playing rhythm, and reduce the pace. [10]

Zone Offenses

Zone Offenses is an important strategy for playing in a basketball game, as it depends on the principle of teamwork in the attack, including a number of key principles, such as shooting from outside the opponent's defense area, and rapid attack before returning.  The opponent's defenses to their positions, and it is noteworthy that this strategy requires a good knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing team's defenders, along with knowing how to exploit their weaknesses. [11]

Spread attack

Spread Offenses strategy is adopted in the final times of the match time, as this strategy increases the defense areas of the opposing team, and wastes the time of the match, which causes the opponent defenders to feel provocation, nervous, and when following these  The strategy, and the players spread across the field of the match, it is necessary to cut the balls from the other team, and continue to shoot the balls towards their nets. [11]

The most prominent basketball 

championship The NBA, which is referred to as NBA, is the most prominent professional tournament for the basketball game, and the beginnings of this tournament dates back to 1946, when it was known at the time as the American Basketball Association (NBA):  Basketball Association of America), and this union lasted for three years until it was merged with the National Basketball League, which led to the birth of what is known as the American Basketball Association (NBA), in which he played  Seventeen teams at the time. [12] got  The NBA has been exposed to many problems and setbacks a few years after its founding with its new name, as the number of participating teams decreased from 17 to 8 teams only, in addition to the financial problems he faced at that time, and Frank Zollner is considered  Zollner, owner of the Fort Wayne Pistons team - a former National Basketball League team known as "NBL" - was one of the factors that kept the league alive, through his financial support.  During the sixth decade of the twentieth century, specifically in 1967 AD, the American Basketball Association (ABA) was established, which started as a competitor to the American Basketball Association (NBA), and it is worth noting that that decade witnessed an evolution in the NBA League, through  New teams joined him, and the American Basketball Association remained in place until it merged with the American Basketball Association, in the year 1976. [12] The popularity of basketball increased dramatically in the 1980s, and the great competition between the two players was Magic  Johnson (Magic Johnson), Larry Bird (English: Larry  Bird) At that time the great impact in increasing the popularity of the American Basketball Association, and made it a target for many television followers, and after the emergence of these two stars, and specifically in the nineties appeared American football star Michael Jordan, who became the benchmark in this  The League, when he was a player on the Chicago Bulls team that managed to win six NBA League titles, and after that the League witnessed a great turnout in the number of international players who joined him in the early 2000s, and it is necessary to  Indicating the presence of a large number m  The great teams that dominated the NBA championships, such as the Minneapolis Lakers, who won five league tournaments, specifically in the period between (1948-1954), and the Boston Celtics (English: Boston Celtics)  He won eleven championships in thirteen seasons. [12]

The following table shows the names of some of the most prominent basketball players in the world, as well as some details of their achievements during their 

Player in Arabic Player name in English Number of matches played Number of minutes played Number of points 

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 

1,560 57,446 38,387 

Karl Malone

 1,476 54,852 36,928

 Kobe Bryant 

1,346 48,643 33,643 

LeBron James

 1,196 46,270

 Michael  Jordan

 1,072 41,010 32,292 

Dirk Nowitzki Dirk Nowitzki

 1,522 51,367 31,560 

Wilt Chamberlain 

1,045 47,859 31,419 

Shakeel O'Neal Shaquille O'Neal 

1,207 41,917 28,596 

Moses Malone

 1,329 45,071 27,409

 Eleven Hayes


Basketball history The basketball game dates back to 1891, when James Naismith - fitness instructor at Springfield College - wanted to invent a new sports game that his students could play in the winter in the hall  Indoor sports, or in open stadiums, so that they are interesting to their interests, such as those that are played in the summer, such as football, at the same time being easy to learn, as he wanted it as a team game that is played within a large number of players, and therefore James returned  Naismith recalls his game as a child, h  W was based on the principle of throwing the ball on a goal that the ball cannot pass through, so he used peach baskets instead of goals, and hung them at the top of the gym, then the basketball game started throwing the ball into the peach baskets, which necessitated a person on the top near these baskets  To capture the ball when throwing it in the basket, then throwing it to the stadium again, and over time the peach baskets were emptied from their bottoms to pass the ball through. [14] James Naismith set the basic rules of the basketball game which consisted of thirteen bases, and clarified this  The rules are many different matters, such as how to walk the ball during the game  And fixing the time of the match by two halves of fifteen minutes each, punctuated by a break period, and with those rules laid down by James, and with the formation of the teams participating in the match, and determining the positions of the players in them, basketball was invented that met with great success and popularity in various countries, as it was done  It was formally recognized in 1905 AD, and it is worth noting that the thirteen rules set by James did not change much to this day. 

  The importance of basketball

 There are many benefits that reflect on the human physical and psychological health when practicing the game of basketball, including: [15] Improving physical fitness, due to the rapid movements it requires.  Increased cardiovascular endurance.  Strengthening many different body muscles, such as the muscles of the hands.  Help burn calories in the body.  Gain mental abilities, such as precision control, intense attention, and focus.  Reducing daily stress and tension. Basketball can be a successful way to do this.  Gain new motor skills, such as dribbling, throwing balls, and balance.  There are also many other benefits that one will get when playing a basketball game, including: [16] You learn work skills within a team; being a team game.  Create new social relationships, and make new friends.  The possibility of exercising permanently, and throughout the whole year, because it is usually played in closed places.  The ability to practice basketball from different age groups and levels.  The possibility of playing it individually if there is a basket, a ball, or with a small team, or even with an entire team, as in official games.

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